Dishes for a romantic evening

Dishes for a romantic evening
 Lovers meet in a restaurant - it's always exciting and touching, but some obliging. Of course, because a lot of eyes around, who are opposed to their own desires watching your relationship history. We have to follow certain rules and remember the existence of a framework for which it is not necessary to go. Another thing, if the meeting takes place in your home. But another problem arises - what to cook for dinner?  

In fact, come up with meals for a romantic evening is not as difficult as it seems. And first of all for the reason that your date food is clearly not occupy the first place. Offered savory meat must possess a number of properties.

First, give up the heavy meals. Food should be only an accompaniment for your meeting, a slight accent. You can hardly find a lot of time to evaluate too delicious food and your lover, no doubt, would prefer to spend hours with you, and not over the plate (if this is not the case, the better to prevent him ignore your presence) .

Secondly, try to take care of convenience. Not worth the risk and put on the table dishes that are easy to get dirty, or you want to eat with your hands. Give up fried chicken or spaghetti with tomato paste.

Third, for a romantic evening meals must comply with the atmosphere of love and play a role in your date. Think of the foods that you could pull together? Perhaps it will be a plate with slices of fruit or vegetables: it is convenient to prick with a fork and feed each other. There is another option: cook a la carte dessert in the form of hearts or even scrambled eggs, but the correct form: this does not necessarily buy a special form, simply cut the heart in a piece of bread and to drive back the egg.

Fourth, do not worry because of the fact that the cook. Often you can find tips and recipes for different dishes for a romantic evening. This seafood salad and mussels, and dishes with red caviar. But once you know what really likes your partner what foods seem to him the most coveted. And if it's just dumplings, feel free to boil them! And if you have time to mold their own. Or invite a young man for an hour early and attach to the process of cooking - food cooked together, will be four times more delicious.

Tags: meal, dinner, a date night