Delicious meals for men

Delicious meals for men
 Still, the taste preferences of men and women are very different. If a woman can lay the soul for a piece of something sweet, then for a man there is nothing more delicious than a piece of meat or fish. Because everyone knows that runs through the path to a man's heart, then we will tell you how to cook delicious meals, against which not stand not one man.

Bake the fish in foil. To do this, you can take a large river fish, carp better. Clean and disembowel him, cut off his head and a pair of scissors, cut the fins. With a sharp knife make cuts on its sides in a grid to small bones propeklis and dissolved. Salt and pepper inside and outside of the carcass. Tamp it abdomen slightly salted with a mixture of vegetables and herbs - onions, carrots, peppers, dill, oregano, sprinkle everything with lemon juice, wrap tightly in foil and place for 20 minutes in an oven pre-heating it to 200 ° C.

Two days before the upcoming dinner buy a piece of pork peritoneum with meat and a couple of chicken breasts. Bryuschinu wash, pat dry with paper towels. From the side skins make cuts in a grid, with the meat side took a deep longitudinal parallel cuts. Rub the meat with salt, spices and garlic, wrap in plastic wrap and leave it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for two days. Then cut strips of chicken, prisolit it a bit and put in the brisket cuts. Roll the meat into a roll, tied it with a special string. Put in baking sleeve - and in preheated oven. Hour let baked at 200 ° C, and then another hour - when 160-170oS.

Pork knuckle, rinse, put in a saucepan, cover with a couple of bottles of lager beer, salt, and put on fire. When the boil, put in a pan carrot and onion. Screw the heat and simmer on low heat for half an hour. 20 minutes before end of cooking, toss in the pan spices - dried herbs, pepper, bay leaf. Leave to cool in the pan shin that she scented spices. Preheat oven to 200 ° C and fry shin in the oven for half an hour, turning occasionally it.

All of these dishes perfect for young medium-sized potatoes, baked in the same place in the oven. Wash it gently pat dry with paper towels, add to the bowl. Pour back a little sunflower oil, spices for potatoes, herbs, salt. Mix all hands and lay out in a single layer on a baking sheet with the main course. Preparing it 40-45 minutes.

Tags: dish, man, fish, oven, potatoes, knuckle, foil, brisket