By itself, the incompatibility is a struggle antibodies in a woman's body, which is directed against one "enemy" - pregnancy. According to biology course, every cell, which is in the human body, covered with protein. He called leukocyte antigen, or, scientifically, HLA. The main problem is the antigen to recognize alien substances harmful organism - viruses, malignant cells and bacteria. The role of antigens in the body is quite simple - when it detects an enemy to send a signal to the immune system of man, which in response to the threat begins to produce antibodies that can overcome pests.
Pregnancy in women can be maintained if the father's antigens differ from the mother's. Despite the fact that the proteins mother interpret the embryo as a new foreign cells, the female body, recognizing DNA as a second father, additionally begins to produce antibodies to protect the fetus from rejection. If antigens father and mother are related enough in terms of the similarity of genes necessary protective antibodies are not produced in a woman. For them, the fetus - is an alien set of genes, which are excluded. Proteins are attacking a new cell and expel it from the body of the mother.
If there is a slight difference of gene indices, the chance to have a baby bear and a couple has. When it sets almost identical, there is a conversation about the genetic incompatibility of the spouses.
To find out if there are a couple or not the incompatibility, you must pass tests on blood from a vein. Evaluate material collected within 14 days. After that, the doctor can make a diagnosis. If more than two identical proteins, genetic incompatibility will be confirmed.
But talk about a complete incompatibility is often not necessary. Such cases are rare. In most embodiments it is a part. Such abnormalities can be corrected if the conduct thorough prenatal care from the earliest periods. To correct medical treatment is carried out both spouses. The purpose of it is to enter a woman's body drugs that help the body to learn to recognize the chromosome husband. In this case, the body will be able to function in a natural cycle. Sometimes a couple can offer to carry out artificial insemination in order to reduce the risk of termination of pregnancy.
If you hear a diagnosis of "genetic incompatibility", do not despair immediately. Modern medicine has developed at a high enough level to help you cope with this problem and have finally healthy and strong baby.