Negative aspects of abstinence

Negative aspects of abstinence
 In medicine, abstinence is characterized as deliberate or involuntary reduction in sexual activity following individual needs. Prolonged abstinence adversely affects the operation of all systems of the body. First of all, the problem starts with the nervous system, then there stagnation in the genital area and adjacent areas.

Abstinence men

Male body externally sensitive to the lack of sex. Men become irritable, they are having symptoms of cardiovascular disease. They can be expressed in heart palpitations, racing blood pressure, headaches and dizziness. As a rule, the root cause is a nervous system disease, provoking all sorts of neuroses.

Then begin congestion. Swollen veins of the scrotum, spermatic canal, hemorrhoids, rectal, etc. They are joined by unpleasant sensations in the crotch area, there are frequent urge to urinate.

Abstinence period from 30 to 45 years weakens the sexual ability of men and long-term abstinence leads to a complete loss of their.

However, the degree of harm to the male body by refusing to have sex depends on its individual characteristics. Men with low sexual desire may be a few years to abstain from sexual relations without pronounced harm to health. Temperamental men immediately begin to experience the psychological and physiological problems. Abstinence impact on health, physical and mental activity, there are emotional and sexual disorders and sexual neuroses.

Especially hard to bear the absence of sexual relations, young men. They begin insomnia, anxiety, irritability.

The most typical complications of sexual abstinence is premature ejaculation. As a rule, the failure during sex after a long abstinence man plunges into shock, and instead take the next attempt, he makes a break, which further exacerbates the situation. As a result, the failure of one after another, even more disabling psychological and physiological state of man.

Abstinence in women

Women have different attitudes to life without sex. It all depends on the sexual constitution, temperament, upbringing and emotional component. Women with weak sex drive externally transferred abstinence quite easily. However, much more serious than it seems at first glance. Women who do not have sex, anyway there are physiological changes. They spoil the skin, wrinkles appear prematurely and are more common gynecological diseases. They are more prone to excess weight and cardiovascular disease.

Women with a strong sexual attraction are suffering due to lack of sex. They become irritable, excitable, they have abrupt mood swings. Like men, women have neuroses lead to problems with the cardiovascular system. Begin pressure drops, quickens the pulse, there is dizziness, tinnitus, fatigue, etc. If abstinence is prolonged, there is a risk of gynecological diseases.


If you regularly have sex, you have the blood contains 30% more immunoglobulin A than the advocates of abstinence.

Regular sexual activity strengthens the immune system, improves mood and beneficial effects on your body systems.

Tags: consequence, harm, abstinence, aspect