How to feel the energy

How to feel the energy
 The world around us is full of energy flows. Her emit people, animals, trees, objects and the earth itself. Feel the energy of people - means to "see" their emotions, mood and intentions. With this ability, you can learn to diagnose and treat disease, to better understand others, to defend against foreign negative influences, avoid lying.
 Some people feel the energy of a gift given from birth, but it can try to learn each. To begin, try to feel its energy shell. Sit on a chair in a comfortable position, put his elbows on his knees, and lift up his hands parallel to each other. The distance between them should be 20-25 cm. Breathe slowly and deeply. At the same time, to the beat of breath, move the palm of your hand as if you squeeze a balloon.

Attention will focus on the sensation of his hands. Did you feel a slight resistance, as if the air between your hands become elastic. Repeat this exercise as long as the sensations become clear.
Now you can try to feel the energy of plants or other natural objects (suitable acorns, fruit, shells, sea pebbles). Each item will be left in your hands your feelings. For example, the energy emanating from the living flower, much warmer than that which radiates pressed.

After you can try to feel the energy of others. Select an assistant and an occasion palm over his body. Do you feel the same elastic resistance? Perhaps, your hands will feel something else: cool, heat, tingling, heaviness. Later, you may learn to recognize these signals, now the main thing - to focus on feelings, to make them clear and recognizable.

On human skin you will feel two layers of energy. The lower, more dense, emit living cells of the body, and the top is the etheric body of man. Healers, during the energy massage, affect these structures zaglazhivaya all the "dent" and "holes". The sick body energy flows are unusual - cold or, conversely, too hot, too weak, etc. You can try to guess the painful parts of the body, which explore.

If your exercises were successful, it means that you have the ability to interact with the energy flows. This is still only the beginning, but if you will develop your ability, it will enrich your knowledge about themselves, others and the world around us.

Tags: energy shell