Fed and contented man can continue to indulge further, making little surprises. For example, tie a handkerchief eyes take in the decoration of the living room and give him ... favorite magazine. The originality of this gift is that the magazine will be enormous, and will be written on the cover of congratulation. This publication can be ordered in the printing industry.
Then plan your actions will depend on a weekend or a day fell birthday.
If the beloved does not need to work, and the weather is fine, feel free to lead him on a romantic walk, during which continue to congratulate him. You can order a song ensemble who constantly plays on the waterfront, only - do it in advance. Imagine the reaction of a loved one, when walking, he will hear your favorite song or just Happy birthday.
Another option for the weekend - hot air balloon ride or a parachute jump. The more original and unusual is your pastime, especially at the longer it will be remembered and will improve mood and warm the soul.
If this solemn day fell on a worker, do not worry, there are many ways to congratulate loved not even be near him.
The first option - to buy and beautifully packaged lots of little trinkets to each attach a small card with congratulations. It is these small presents to your favorites will be a full day in the glove compartment of the car, in a coat pocket, the desk drawer.
The second option - "kidnap" her man with a break for lunch and take him to your favorite restaurant for a festively decorated table. But do not forget to "return" a valued employee to work.
Of course, do not miss the opportunity to arrange an unforgettable evening. Regardless of whether you spend it alone or with friends and relatives, your man should feel the most wonderful, necessary and just loved.