Sections of psychology devoted to the study of human behavior, the interpretation of gestures, facial expressions and movements called kinesics and physiognomy. If you closely monitor the expression for emerging emotions on it, the position of the body, arms, legs, you can tell a lot about a man, his mood at the moment. Can be determined by lying or telling the truth, he is interesting or not he talk, but you can find out whether or not he is to you sympathy or indifference.
Pay attention to the male gaze. If you are pleasing to him, or he will look at you furtively looks away when meeting with your eyes, or will look right, while the pupils are dilated. If the pupils are narrow, it's likely he feels completely opposite feelings, although we can not exclude the fact that he just in the eye of sunshine.
Widely spaced legs also suggest that you like men, and he wants to achieve mutual feelings, instinct showing genitals. The same means, if a man put his hands on the belt, and even started a thumbs in his belt.
See how the feet are men, if they are turned in your direction, it is a good sign. And if you are in the room except there are other girls, it means that a man sets you apart from them, and you most of all he likes.
When a man talks to a girl he liked, change the speed and tone of his voice. It becomes more loud, confident, can slip sharp notes. Thus the young man, trying to demonstrate that he is better than other members of the stronger sex, your confidence and masculinity.
If all the signs you see that care about the man, and you like it too, you can try to put relations in another direction. But we should not openly seduce him, especially if it is the first communication. This behavior can scare a man. Some girls are so good command of his face and gestures that fairly easy smile, a mysterious look to the guy forgot about everything.
Demonstrate their interest in further development of relations can use the following gestures. Teasing as if by chance your hair, wrap them around the finger, play with earrings or pendant. Change the tone and speed of speech. Let your voice be heard softly, gently, not too loud. May accidentally touch the man, but do it gently and unobtrusively. Such signals will give him to understand that you are ready to further develop your relationship.