Techno-bra to the rescue

Techno-bra to the rescue
 If science fiction of the XX century made it possible to at least one eye to look into these days - they certainly would have been shocked by the direction in which developing science and technology. After all, the reality is often much more daring - and where the most unexpected runaway fantasies. This writer, for example, could come up with the idea of ​​"smart" bra, in which case it can independently call the police? It sounds incredible - but really soon linen is already on sale.
 In the United States designed a bra that will be equipped with GPRS - and be able to communicate information about their "bearer" and its location on the remote control of the police. What is the principle of action of this wonderful clothes?

"Smart" bra is sewn from a special electrically sensitive tissue. The design assumes that between the cups is a chip that records the heart rate of women - and this information is immediately gets to control the police. If the heart rate increases sharply, or the signal ceases to act - this indicates that an emergency has occurred. In this case, a rapid response team is immediately sent to the scene, the exact coordinates of which can be set with built-in bra GPRS-system.

Of course, no such thing for the toilet constant wear. The idea is that developers of security, this techno-bra must be worn when will, for example, a night walk through the dark streets, or you may experience other situations that pose a risk to life or health.

According to the forecasts, such as bras go on sale, the cost will be about $ 50.

 Author: Larissa Sustina