How to wash a mink hat

How to wash a mink hat
 During socks mink hat soiled and loses original appearance. You can refer to the dry cleaner or try to return on their own attractiveness of the product.
 Clean mink hat can be a soap solution. In a separate container, pour the warm water and add shampoo or other mild detergent. Clean the fur in the direction of hair growth foam sponge soaked in a solution. After rinse lather with a damp cloth and dry cap.

Remove grease stains well refined petrol. Dampen a cloth with solvent and gently clean the fur. Then wipe with a damp clean cloth. Dry the cap at room temperature. Then comb the fur-toothed comb with blunt teeth or special comb, which can be bought at a pet store. Before applying the refined gasoline, make sure it does not harm the fur. Therefore, apply a few drops of solvent on the inside of the cap and wait 5 minutes. If during this time the fur changed color or texture, give up the money.

Mink hat of light can be cleaned with the following solution. Mix 500 ml of water at room temperature 1 tablespoon salt and 1 teaspoon of liquid ammonia. Repeatedly wipe the fur pile on a cotton pad soaked in the solution. Rinse with a damp sponge, dab a cotton towel and dry the cap.

To return the white fur, take 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray on the cap. Leave to dry at room temperature, away from radiators. Completely dried out fur comb-toothed comb.

Clean light fur potato starch or talc. Put a mink hat on the table, evenly sprinkle the adsorbent and leave for 1 hour. After this time, shake off excess powder with a brush or vacuum clean.

Wrap peeled walnuts in a cotton handkerchief and crush with a hammer. When the oil-soaked cloth, wipe the fur in the direction of hair growth. This way you can bring back the shine dark fur.

Tags: mink hat