Then one of the free ends of the shawl move forward, putting it on the opposite shoulder so that the other was also closed. Securing gently stole a pin on his shoulder, tried to get the folds original decorate. This will give you an original and unique feminine charm.
Taking the second end of the handkerchief, move it, as well as the first advance. Keep in mind that all of the neck should be closed at the same time. Secure the end on the temple with the help of pins. Do not forget to spread the folds. Headdress Muslim women ready.
Of course there are other ways of tying the Muslim headscarf, which slightly differ from the first one.
Take again the large rectangular scarf. Throwing it down, kill the edge at the back. Then everything is repeated as in the first embodiment. Only further consolidate the long loose ends need hijab under the chin, not on the shoulder and temple. Do not forget to wrap stole around his neck, covering her from prying eyes.
Some Muslim women choose to wear the hijab double. This is especially true in the colder areas of the country. And he fastened. First povyazhite lower scarf made of a transparent material and air. Secure it with pins under her chin. Next throw with top hijab made of a dense fabric. Wrap the right edge of the stole around his neck so that its end was on his chest. Impose on the left edge of the right, and cast him in the chest.
There is another option that is suitable for double hijab. Lower throw with a handkerchief on his head, and tie the loose ends behind, while collecting his hair in a braid. Upper hijab povyazhite just as well. Just attach it under the lower unit. Next, place the free ends of the upper chest in the form of a scarf crosswise. Wrap it around your neck, fasten the hijab directly to the node at the back. Use with the pins or pins. The final stage straighten the fabric on the chest. So you get a beautiful headdress, which is fully consistent with Islamic law.