That for the manufacture of new headgear to use the old fur cap, it must be carefully unpick, being careful not to damage the skin. If mink deformed, it should be restored. To do this, wash the skin, stretch a little and come to the board. When the fur is dry, will look just fine.
Style for the new cap can be selected in fashion magazines or find sites on the Internet. There is usually placed and finished pattern. You can sew their own favorite model, but if you do it the first time - start with the one that is easier to cut out. And to cut the pattern made parts for the cap using a sharp blade or knife stationery. To villus left chopped fur hats parts should be thoroughly combed.
From the base of the wedges on both sides of the manufactured products sew darts. Details can fasten together using conventional pins. Ironing fur and allowances at the seams do not need to straighten their rings scissors. Gathering of the cap, make sure that perfectly matched the direction of the nap.
Take a sewing needle or pin and gently remove the fluff of fur from the joints. Then sew together all the parts. This should be done with maximum accuracy, so that the skin does not stretch parts and was not going to. All seams must converge in the center of the manufactured headdress.
Next to hem the lining, and this finished fur hat will turn inside out, then enclose the tissue lining. Please note that all products seams match. Using blindhem carefully sew the lining. When the headgear is fully prepared, the inside and outside through its dip a spray. The product is put on the cylindrical shape of the connector, giving a mink hat the right shape and secure it with pins.
For a while, the cap should dry. Then remove it from the well pad and comb the fur. The headpiece is ready.