How to make a turban

How to make a turban
 Turban - always popular and fashionable shape for a headdress, which will look great with any top clothes or elegant suits. Turban made from scrap materials, but it can and tie spokes. Manufacturing turban requires basic skills possessed by each needlewoman.
 For knitted hats turban you need woolen thread and knitting needles. It is done in the following way: the total number of loops, given edge, must be a multiple of three, and the knitting density must be 1, 5 to 1 cm loops. For the relief gum in the first row must be done alternately 1 and 2 face the underside of the loop. All even rows, starting with the second tally on the image. Third row repeats the following sequence: one loop Wrong, after it provyazyvaetsya front loop behind the rear wall, and then, without removing the spoked missed ligated loop for the front wall. All odd rows starting from the fifth repeat this sequence.

Hat-turban begins bred from the nape. Spokes for that recruited eighteen loops, then embossed rubber band fit 4 cm. After that, without changing the basic pattern for each face a number of additions is 5. Loops are added by nakida to itself, and in the ranks of backstitches provyazyvayutsya thrown over the front loop of the rear wall. In the first row addition is done after two loops in the following - in front of them and so on.

Backstitches track loops without skewing extended in both directions. When they will backstitches eleven hinges, and in the extreme - six, it is necessary to complete the addition. The spoke will be 68 loops, and the height of the finished product - 16 cm. Then, about six inches must knit the familiar embossed rubber band, starting to diminish the number of loops. To do this, in each row instead of five times purl loops provyazyvaetsya two loops.

Subtraction arranged symmetrically addition. This is done until such time as the spokes of the 18 loops will not. Finally, it is necessary to divide all the loops in half and knit each part separately at a height of about 30 cm. Then cross your half, and sew the ends slightly priposazhivaya fabric, sew rim. Eighteen loops that are on the back of the head, it is necessary to pull very tight. Now turban hat-ready.

Tags: hand, hat, knitting, turban