Cities: Emilio Pucci scarves

 Brand Emilio Pucci, owned by the holding company LVMH, announced the release of a special collection of shawls, dedicated to cities of the world, which in the future will be important points on the map for the development of the brand.  
The basis of the collection went to the classic bandana Battistero, created the brand in 1957, and in 2014 it will appear the city. Lucky steel Paris, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Florence, Rome, New York, but the designers on this do not plan to stop there and will soon begin to develop a continuation of the series. All scarves - recognizable features of each city, its landscape, architecture.
Scarves will be available November 1st at the official site Pucci and brand boutiques in all of these cities, as well as in Milan, London and Tokyo.
Cities: Emilio Pucci scarvesCities: Emilio Pucci scarves