Late pregnancy may be unplanned and planned. The first is most often due to the fact that women aged 35 and older believe that their reproductive capacity decreases significantly and, as a consequence, pay less attention to contraception, or just ignore it. Although there are sexually active. As a result, about 70% of pregnancies later deliberately interrupted.
Another thing - the long-awaited pregnancy. The most common cause is scheduled for later pregnancy is a woman's desire to build a career, or buy their own homes, less likely to cause problems with conception becomes. Not the first late pregnancy is most often associated with a second marriage, or the desire to have a second or third child, when the couple is already firmly "stood up" and decided to housing and financial problems.
Doctors say that if a woman is 35 years old and older in good physical shape, had no previous miscarriages and infertility problems, it may very well have a healthy baby, and as a young 20-year-old girl. But today, less and less possible to meet a mature woman who has no health problems. In this regard, in late pregnancy, there are certain risks.
Firstly, it is assumed after 35 years of a woman is much more difficult to conceive a child, and secondly, difficult to give birth to a healthy baby without physical, and most importantly, moral deviations. For example, after 35 years significantly increased risk of having a child with Down syndrome. Doctors explain this theory that aging begins germ cells, increases the negative effects on the body of toxic substances, pathogens and others, has not been fully studied, types of impacts.
In addition to all the above, for 40 years, women are more likely to use alcohol, addicted to smoking and other addictions. This, of course, has a negative impact on their health. But the egg accumulates not only genetic information, but also information about past illnesses and addictions.
Very often during late pregnancy miscarriage. It is also associated with the inevitable aging of gametes and the general condition of the body of a mature woman.
Nevertheless, today are increasingly found quite healthy pregnant women "35," and this is absolutely normal. Statistics show that 97% of women aged 35 years and older who received perinatal survey, receive confirmation that the probability of having a healthy baby from them is the same as that of the young girls.
In addition, modern prenatal diagnosis reveals or eliminate the deviation of the fetus even at the early stages. Many doctors now believe that it is the development of medicine in the field of reproduction allowed to infuse mature women self-confidence and the possibility of having a healthy baby.