How to survive the death of parents

How to survive the death of parents
 Death of a parent, no doubt, is the most difficult moment in the life of almost any man. The old world is collapsing, because you never lived without them, you do not know how to live on Earth, where there is no mom and dad. And, nevertheless, you must find the strength to cope with this grief.
 The world is so constituted that over time one generation replaces another, and it is regarded as the order of things. You understand that the mind, and bitterly sympathize with your friends when they lose their parents. But when it happens to you, you lose a sense of "his world", he seems to be shattered and breaks into pieces. You must try to re-assemble this "puzzle", this picture of your life, even though it will never be a smooth and serene as to their death.

If you believe in God, comfort themselves with the thought of eternal life, pray for their souls, attend church, order requiem and put candles. Over time, you will definitely become easier. Read prayers for the dead, asking God not to leave the souls of your parents, forgive them and accept into their kingdom of heaven. If you are far from the church, the same thing can be done at home: lighting candles and prayers.

Do not keep all in itself, does not close, do not cut yourself off from other relatives and friends. Allow yourself to speak out, give way to tears, it can bring some relief. Remember the words of that time heals all wounds, and it's true: fresh wounds slowly tightened, the first burst of grief passes. Your task - to try to find a new meaning in life, to go through that grief is not broken.

Think about your children if you have them. You really need them, no matter what the relationship between you were not, the children always love their parents, no matter what, no matter what their flaws, you do now is particularly acute understand, do not you?

Support each other, think about how it's hard not only to you, someone may have to face your parents lost a brother or sister, aunt or uncle, grandmother or grandfather. If you have any brothers or sisters survive the grief becomes a little bit easier, as if you divide it into several people.

It is not necessary to hold the parent apartments Museum and anxiously guard every thing that belonged to your mom and dad. Try to mentally "release" them, think that they are "looking at you from above" and they really hurt when you cry. Try to be strong for them and for myself.

Think about the fact that parents have lived all my life for you, well, perhaps they would like you to now sit in four walls, and kept them mourned, scoring all his affairs, family and work? Try to meet their expectations, try to have everything was fine, then it is possible and it will be good there, because we do not know anything about the afterlife.

If the experience is not held within six months, consult a psychologist. Do not be ashamed of the feelings experienced specialist will help you find the former composure.

Tags: Ambassador, a parent's death