Child - a full-fledged member of society
Child - a person under the age of eighteen years. The child, like every Russian citizen has property and other rights. For example, the child belongs all that he has earned or received as a gift, he has the right to receive maintenance from their parents. In addition, the child has the right of use of premises belonging to his parents.
Right of the child after divorce to communicate with relatives living separately
Important right of the child is the right to communicate with parents and other relatives, including the separation of the. Parental divorce or annulled marriage, should in no way reflects on the possibility of the child and parents living separately, to communicate with each other, as well as the possibility of a child to spend time with their grandparents and other relatives.
In addition, if a child wants to wear the name of the parent living separately, the guardianship authority is obliged to consider this issue.
In this opinion the other parent does not matter if you do not know his whereabouts if he is deprived of parental rights, declared incapacitated and if he deviates from parenthood.
Property issue
Divorce affects the property rights of the child, such as getting the proper maintenance and the ability to have a roof over your head.
The duty to support their children equally the responsibility of the mother and father of the child. After the divorce, the parent with whom the child was actually provides its contents, and the one which was to live separately - the payment of cash. As a rule, such a duty is fixed in the agreement on the payment of alimony or court decision on recovery.
The right of children to a home in a divorce
Other proprietary rights of the child who is affected when the parents divorce, is the right to housing. Usually divorced parents tend to disperse as soon as possible or, exchanging housing, resettled or one of the spouses.
Under no circumstances shall the child can not be evicted from the occupied dwelling, if it belongs to its parent.
Legislation containing provisions on the procedure of divorce, allow courts to resolve the issue of who will be living child after his parents' divorce in favor of the parent who has their homes.