Eliminating bad habits in a child

Eliminating bad habits in a child
 Many parents are mistaken when they think that their child is an innocent creature. The kid who comes into the world, not only has the makings of a good but also bad. For Scientific is called heredity. And almost all people inherit a predisposition to bad habits. Therefore, parents who do not teach their children to fight evil within yourself, leave them helpless against a variety of temptations. After all, when a child is left to itself, in spite of all his good qualities and talents, he can succumb to bad influence.

It's no secret that kids like their relatives. Someone like a mother, someone - the pope, and someone - to grandfather or great-grandmother. But apart from physical heredity children also inherit and moral traits of their ancestors. These traits can be both good and bad. Evil inclinations, alas, developed and secured in a child is much faster than good.

Many young parents look at their children's bad inclinations lightly, explaining these traits that the child is still small. Moms and dads think that child will grow and he will understand that to do so bad. Assuming so, parents do not even think that disregard evil inclinations of their children, teach them not to fight with the latter. Unfortunately, most moms and dads, by contrast, tend to perform all the whims of their child, guided by the adage "the child would not play, he does not cry."

Psychology and religion also teaches parents that any manifestation of evil must be rooted in the very beginning, while it is not strong. If you leave all unchecked, bad habits can easily become a habit.

Ideally, children in the family from an early age should be raised so that they understand that there is a permissible and impermissible. But banning child anything or punish him need only reasonable. When a baby is aware that unauthorized actions always entail unpleasant consequences, he will always try to avoid doing something that is forbidden.

Tags: child, evil, elimination, the slope