The main fear lonely pregnant woman - the fear that the education of the baby does not have enough money. However, this can be prevented. First, the employer pays part of the salary for the first year and a half of life. Secondly, the state provides some cash immediately after birth. In each region, their size is different. Third, when the baby is 3-6 months, it will be a lot of sleep and you can look for part time. It all depends on your abilities. Do websites, write articles, knit. All this will help to stay afloat in the most difficult early years.
Lonely pregnant woman fears that her life style change. Yes, on the night partying with friends will have to give. But this does not mean that communication with society will stop altogether. Nobody forbids invite friends to visit. Or find new friends among mothers strolling with prams. In addition, almost all my free time will take care of the child. And a free minute just want to lie down and rest.
A pregnant woman is afraid of the changes taking place in her body. Hormonal changes can cause weight gain, pigmentation, stretch marks. But with all these phenomena can be successfully fought. Especially because many moms lose weight after giving birth. Breast-feeding and caring for the baby is very conducive to this. A pigmentation and ugly strip often go away.
Lonely future mom is afraid to miss the opportunity to build a career. However, practice shows that women are left without a husband, are more successful. They feel a responsibility for the upbringing of the child lie on their shoulders all the material issues. They are reliable, they can be trusted with any business. And these qualities are highly valued by management. And women quickly rose through the ranks.
Another fear of pregnancy - how to explain to your child that he had no father. This is still too early to think. Perhaps when pipsqueak starts interested in these issues will be a new dad. Or return the old, realizing that he was ready to start a family. Or the role of men in the family successfully perform grandfather.
And last the fear that is taking place - the fear of being alone at the time of delivery. To avoid this, when approaching an hour "X" ask someone from the family to live with you. Let it be a friend, sister, anyway. The main thing that a man was close during contractions, called an ambulance and helped assemble the hospital.