Turpentine baths slimming (reviews), use turpentine baths

 What do you think, having heard the word "turpentine"? Probably about the repair, pungent smell of paint and solvent. Indeed, many of us turpentine represented as tightly screwed bottles from the store building, which used to improve the health and appearance would be at least strange. However, turpentine is not so simple. Women's magazine JustLady leads him to clean water, dissolving in which this substance helps to improve your health, rejuvenate and lose a few pounds.

The Many Faces of turpentine

Turpentine(Turpentine, oil of turpentine, wood turpentine, white spirit) - a fluid produced by distillation of natural resin, usually conifers in the family Pinaceae. It contains a substance called terpenes (alpha and beta pinenes pinenes) acting as "building blocks" of any essential oil (by the way, it is vitally important vitamin A is also patience). So, in essence, turpentine liquid is a mixture of different oils, the quality and the percentage depends on the method of its production and raw materials used.

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Surprisingly, the same product can be used in such different ways and at different opening possibilities. On the one hand,turpentine - A technical product, known to all solvent varnishes and paints, flammable, with an unpleasant pungent odor. On the other - a component of many chemical compounds ispolzuyuschiyhsya in the production of household chemicals and perfumes (linalool, geraniol, alpha-terpineol, camphor). On the third - a valuable raw material, used in medicine. Turpentine and is widely used in traditional pharmaceuticals, and naturopathic and balneotherapy.

But one of the most popular is its purpose connected with the name of a Russian doctor Abram Solomonovicha Zalmanova, today known all over the world. Dr. Zalmanov became the founding father of the doctrine of kapillyaroterapii invented a method of dissolvingturpentine in water and describe the methods and treatment of many diseases theory usingturpentine baths. For them, using the most pure and rich in nutrients viewsturpentine - Gum. It is extracted by distillation of fresh pine resin - oleoresin, treated with hot steam.

Turpentine cocktail

Abilityturpentine bathshelp weight loss was discovered as a side effect of treatment. Past Courseskipidaroterapii noticed that an unusual remedy not only alleviate the condition of the body in diseases of the joints, spine, muscles, but also make the skin more youthful and velvety, and the figure - tightened. And in recent yearsturpentine bathsactively used as an aid in weight loss. They do not give sensational results - on average per week course, you can lose about two pounds, but given their overall beneficial effect,turpentine bathscan rightfully be considered one of the most useful methods of dropping weight.

There are two types of emulsion for Zalmanov baths: yellow and white. Based on them can make a mixed composition of turpentine. Classic "Turpentine White" consists of water, purified gum Propertyturpentine, Baby soaps, salicylic acid and camphor. It promotes discovery and rhythmic constriction of capillaries and increases blood pressure. During the reception, white bath skin tingling and burning. "Turpentine yellow" (waterturpentine, Oleic acid, castor oil, sodium hydroxide), in contrast, the pressure decreases. Yellow bath fully expands and venous and arterial capillaries and "resolves" salt deposits and growths on the joints.

Emulsion mixture combines the advantages of both typesturpentine baths and is considered the most appropriate for weight loss. Its effect is achieved due to the fact that the capillary expands and simultaneously purified. It stimulates the metabolic processes in the body, digestion and excretion of fat, which promotes weight loss.

Proportion, temperature, time!

Despite the fact thatturpentine baths can be taken at home, top rate must precede the consultation with a doctor. Based on the individual characteristics of your body and health, he will prescribe the correct mixing ratio emulsions. To experiment with the percentage of white and yellowturpentine it is not recommended!

Before "dives" in-smelling pine needles water to be treated with Vaseline groin and armpits to reduce their sensitivity and susceptibility. Ready turpentine mixturefirst diluted in a container with two to three liters of water, then poured in a bath, and again thoroughly mixed.

The first bath in the course of procedures should not exceed the duration of five minutes. Water temperature - 35 degrees Celsius. Duration "swim" increases gradually (1-2 minutes per session), eventually reaching 15 minutes. And gradually increases the temperature of water can be brought to a maximum of 38 degrees. Be sure to use a thermometer and a measuring cup to determine the correct dosageturpentine. Increasing the concentration or increasing the duration of the bath will make the course more efficient, but cause skin irritation or lightheadedness may well.

After a bath in which to sink so that the water covered the entire body except the heart, not rinsing wrapped in a towel and rest for about an hour in a relaxed atmosphere. The course usually includes 15-20 baths that take a day or every day.

Turpentine bathsAnd any medical procedure, not suitable for everyone. They are uniquely be waived if you suffer from disorders of the heart, going through a stage of exacerbation of chronic diseases, pregnant or breastfeeding, have on the body sores or ulcers of any origin, complain of thrombophlebitis. More details for you to consult a doctor contraindications.

Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: bath salt, base, fashion, weight loss, review, self-tanning emulsion, turpentine, use, dosage, weight loss, Skipofit