Signs of good solarium

Signs of good solarium
 Solarium has gained immense popularity. Studio with artificial tanning services can be found at every turn, and the procedure adopted in the booth UV rays become as natural as a manicure on hands. Entrepreneurs in the pursuit of quick profits using unsuspecting citizens in relation to their health, go on about the endless benefits of tanning, its beneficial effects on the body both inside and out. If the advice of health professionals to refrain from visiting tanning salons have a little touch, and nothing can stop the desire to buy a chocolate tan, then at least carefully Treat the choice of tanning.  

Ask the administrator of the cabin, as long lamp replacements from their quality and originality depends the safety of your tan. Allowable lamp time is 540 hours. In professional machines lamps vary according to the type and capacity. So, the bottom should be thick powerful lamps slightly bluish in color, thanks to tan on his feet lies a smooth and clear. In the middle of the lamp is usually thinner and lighter, they are inferior in power "foot", because the skin on the breasts, buttocks, back, much more susceptible to UV radiation, it does not need so much power for even tan.

Modern solariums are equipped with special mirrors: one located on the floor under your feet, and the other mirror over his head - usually it is movable and is configurable for each client individually.

Heed to whether they comply health requirements on the content of the solarium: Does the employee disinfected after each tanning deceased client. If you visit a tanning bed, you think about how many germs can collect on it in just one day of work. Take a look at his appearance, maybe it's corny, but effective.

In a professional studio tan you always provide glasses, Stikine, slippers and a hat to protect from the sun. Without these attributes do not try never to sunbathe if you do not want to have later health problems. Knowledgeable administrator salon never advise you to sunbathe more than 10 minutes, so always follow moderation without the risk of burns.

When choosing a solarium give preference turbo solarium: at the moment it is inherent in the most advanced cooling system, which leads to a minimum the danger of "overheating".

Be vigilant and cautious in everything that concerns your health, including the choice of tanning.

Tags: solarium tan sign