Infrared Sauna: indications and contraindications

Infrared Sauna: indications and contraindications
 Creator of the infrared sauna is a Japanese Tadashi Ishikawa. He was a therapist and created emitters that can send out infrared rays ranging in length from 3 to 10 micro meters. Thereby warming the human body 3-4 cm without causing harm. In appearance, these infrared saunas are a cab, upholstered wood inside and outside, is reminiscent of a Finnish sauna. Hence the name "infrared sauna".

Infrared Sauna: Is there harm?

Many people have a prejudice against infrared radiation - supposedly, it is very harmful for health. But they forget that it is the natural radiation environment that is constantly acts on the man he wants to or not. It would be foolish to assume that infrared saunas are much more dangerous than that of the sun.

And most importantly, that infrared saunas are not associated with water treatment, as one might think from the name. Not at all. This camera is very compact, it takes about one square meter, and weighs about a hundred pounds. You can purchase an infrared camera for home use. It is usually sold in unassembled, so it should be collected. Although it takes only 30 minutes and you can already use it immediately after 15 minutes, which are needed to warm up the camera to an optimum temperature of 60 ° C.

Of course, do not abuse the long-term presence in the infrared sauna. Because the question of benefit or harm it will bring you depends on many factors and not least from the characteristics of your body. And also from:

- The length of the wave;
- The intensity of infrared radiation;
- The time of a single exposure to this radiation;

Therefore, if you abuse the time in an infrared sauna, a combination of these adverse factors can damage your health, but under the rules of use of the camera it will not happen.


As already mentioned, the harm infrared sauna does not work, but there are contraindications, under which you should not use it:

- Suppurative processes;
- High temperature;
- Infectious diseases;
- Diabetes with periodic exacerbations.

In the presence of these factors or suspicion on them you should consult with your doctor before using infrared sauna. It is not necessary to decide this question themselves.

And do not give misconception that infrared sauna - treatment for the disease. That's not it. It is a preventive measure during the course of general therapy.

Tags: reading, a sauna, a contraindication