How to make a beautiful knees

How to make a beautiful knees
 It so happens that the woman's age, looking younger than his years, give her knees. With age, they may appear fat, rough and flaky skin, deformed patella. Do not forget to take care of your knees to make them look young and beautiful.

Almost every day our knees get a huge load. We walk, run, climb stairs, bend over, running - all these movements are carried out with the help of the knees. If you do not do special exercises, soon they will begin to ache from such loads, and will look worse and worse. Small workout every day will help you to avoid it.

1. Stand with your feet together and palms in Abut slightly bent knees. Perform 20 knees rotational movements to the left and right, make four approaches. Repeat this exercise, only this time the feet should be wide apart.

2. Stand at the support, lift your right leg to a right angle forward bend and unbend shin (about 20 times) of one leg. Change position and do the same thing with the left foot. Perform this exercise again, only standing on tiptoes. Leg may raise not only forward but also backward, and sideways. These two exercises are particularly effective for the formation of beautiful knees.

3. Stand in reliance on one leg. Follow ups on your toes about 20 times on the right and left legs. You can perform this exercise, picking up something heavy. Sometimes in this exercise may reduce shin. If this happens, stop and massage it, pull the thumb itself, some time will pass.

Along with exercise is useful for modeling cream knees. Thanks to these creams improve skin texture, restores its elasticity and firmness, as well as reducing the risk of the appearance of cellulite in this area.

Once a week to arrange his knees preventive peeling. When taking a hot bath, apply a thick layer of scrub on her knees, then massage movements exfoliate the skin and rinse with warm water. After lubricate them with cream. Every day after the evening shower do not forget about the cream for the feet.

To clean the vessels and joints, use a mixture of half celery, one lemon and garlic cloves. All products grind through a meat grinder, add three tablespoons of honey. Every morning empty stomach to eat one teaspoon of this mixture. This dish will help get rid of the salt in the joints and remove the knee swelling.

Tags: cream, exercise, knee, modeling, knee