Skin tightening chest folk remedies

Skin tightening chest folk remedies
 Wrinkled skin chest or striae (stretch marks), appeared on her after feeding the baby or drastic weight loss, can deprive appeal most beautiful bust. Yes, you can do laser resurfacing or breast augmentation surgery, but before resorting to such drastic measures, it is worth considering - and maybe there's a simpler way to solve the problem? For example, skin tightening chest folk remedies. Virtually no cost, at home - it's more than real.


Breast massage improves the blood circulation, making the skin cells get enough oxygen to breathe and updated. As a result, breast skin becomes supple, elastic, taut. This massage involves gentle movements directed from the shoulder to the center of the chest. Start the procedure from the upper zone. First, massage the area of ​​the forearm, keeping at the time the chest with the other hand at the bottom. Smooth movements to move to the nipple.

Adjust the pressure force: in the upper part of the chest can apply strong pressure sensitive as there are located the muscles that attach to the bust shape and firmness, the same intensive enough movement can make and under the breasts, where the so-called supporting the pectoral muscles. But the center of each breast, ie the nipple and areola - halos, shall be subjected to pressure, move here carefully and gently, light rubbing and patting would be sufficient. Duration of massage - 5-8 minutes.

There is another kind of massage to the chest - a whirlpool. It is held during the shower. Direct the jet of water on the muscles located below the chest, then move it up in a circular motion. The intensity of the jet is enhanced in the area of ​​the ribs (armpit) and brisket muscles and loosen during a massage own breasts. The duration of the whirlpool - 8-10 minutes. Then you can move on to the masks.


Cucumber mask for skin tightening - have long tried and trusted folk remedy. Prepare cucumber lotion. To do this, take the cucumber medium size (about 70 g), wash it thoroughly and rub on a small grater or grind in a blender. Connect to the resulting mass of 10 st. spoons of alcohol, stir, to shift into a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid and store in a dark place for 7 days. Infusion of strain and dilute with the same amount of mineral water without gas or just boiled water. How to use: before the shower (bath, sauna, taking a bath) with a cotton pad soaked in cucumber lotion, wipe the skin of the breast, nipple and eliminating ghosting. Wait until the lotion is absorbed, and proceed to the bath procedures.

You can reinforce the tightening effect of cucumber lotion. For this procedure, replace the mask compression: moistened wipes composed impose on both breasts for 10-15 minutes and cover the top with warm scarf.

Olive. For the preparation of this mask you will need:
- Olive oil - 1 tbsp .;
- Yolk of an egg - 1 pc .;
- Lemon juice - 6-10 drops.
Mix all ingredients, grease composition obtained by the breast skin and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, apply any lifting cream.

Mask Scrub. Mix cup granulated sugar with a glass of salt and 0, 5 cups vegetable oil (preferably mustard). During the shower or in the bath, if conditions permit, apply makeup on the skin of the breast and rub massage in a circular motion, without touching the nipple and the halo, for 10-15 minutes. After showering lubricate the breast and chest area any moisturizer. The effect of the application of this procedure can be noticeable within a month - the skin looks firmer and smoother. After the mask, scrub not only cleans the surface of the skin, allowing it to breathe freely, ie admitting oxygen to the cells, and the blood circulation, and hence eliminates congestion in the vessels.

Skin tightening chest folk remedies

Oatmeal. Oatmeal "Hercules" rotate through a meat grinder or grind in a coffee grinder. Fill the resulting flour with boiling water (at the rate of 3 tablespoons of boiling water to 1 tablespoon of flour), carefully rubbing, cover and leave for 10 minutes. A day later, put a mask in the form of heat to the skin of the breast and chest area, leave to dry (possibly strong feeling of tightness), then rinse with warm water, lubricate the moisturizer and wear a soft warm underwear. This cream mask has an excellent lifting effect, nourishes skin of the breast, making it more smooth and taut.

Home cream with lifting effect

To do this, you need a cream mummy. Pharmacies can buy the mummy in capsules, preferably, or tablets, which is also good, but in this case it shall be thoroughly crushed. Take any cup, except for the metal, and mix it 2-3 grams mummy with 1 tbsp. spoon of boiled water. Stir until completely dissolved. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then stir well again, if you noticed a precipitate and add any cream or body and a few drops of rosemary essential oil, myrrh and vetiver. Mix into a homogeneous mass. Apply and rub into the skin of the breast massage until completely absorbed. It is not necessary to wash off.

Homemade cream mummy desirable to apply after a shower or bath, it is possible after a hot compress (a cloth soaked in hot water, put on both the chest and lower neck, cover a warm scarf and hold for 10 minutes).


Another effective way to skin tightening chest worldwide recognized Seaweed. This procedure is quite expensive in beauty salons, at home it will cost you much cheaper. Buy at the pharmacy powder algae called "Laminaria thallus (seaweed)", fill a glass powder, a small amount of warm water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then apply makeup on the skin of the breast and wrap with cellophane tape. Lie down and quietly lie down for 60 minutes. Remove the foil and rinse in the shower or just wipe with a damp sponge chest. Periodicity procedure - 3 times per week. Effect will come quickly. This not only breast skin will be smooth and flat, but he tightened bust.

Tags: leather, tool chest, stretching, a method lift