Straighten your arms and lift them over your head, stretch your back. Take a deep breath and exhale, try to take one leg back as far as possible. Now both legs should be straight and tense muscles. Next, you have to stay in this position and to produce about 3-5 breaths. Now do this exercise for the other leg.
As well to strengthen the muscles, throwing a pencil on the floor and tried to lift his toes.
The next exercise should be carried out, sitting on the table. It detoxifies, massages the internal organs and legs gives lightness.
Bend both knees and lift them to his chest. While in this position, do 10 deep breaths each time try to pull your knees as close to your chest.
A very important exercise for the legs and buttocks - it squats. To begin, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, you can even put them slightly wider than shoulder width, toes should be slightly apart. It is best to perform this exercise with dumbbells weighing 2 to 3 kg. Now take a deep breath and sit down on a chair as if, that is, the back should be straight. Stands to descend until the thighs are parallel to the floor. And then back to the starting position.
It is also important not to forget about a foot massage - is not only nice, but also very useful. Massage helps relieve fatigue and improve blood circulation.
And in the summer, swimming in the sea, you will not only relaxes the muscles, but also improves blood circulation. Sea water helps with varicose veins and cellulite.
The main thing - exercise consistently, do not forget to smear cream and foot massage, then you will see results! And remember: make your legs slim, toned and attractive forces on each!