How to reduce the sebaceous glands

How to reduce the sebaceous glands
 Increased secretion of the sebaceous glands on the face is the cause of greasy skin, clogging the pores and the appearance of acne. Normalize the production of fat, you can use a comprehensive approach to skin care and improve metabolism in the body.
 Often causes excessive activity of the sebaceous glands are diseases: disturbances in metabolism, vascular dystonia, kidney disease, hormonal problems, beriberi. In this case, increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, which is only a symptom of a serious disease, normal when you recover your health. Quite often, oily skin is a result of malnutrition. Try to eliminate from your diet pickled, spicy, salty, smoked and fried foods, replacing them with vegetables, fruits, boiled meat and fish.

Oily skin should be cleaned regularly to open the pores and prevent the development of inflammatory processes in them. You can use the scrubs on the basis of fruit acids and gels for washing, designed specifically for the skin with a high secretion of the sebaceous glands. Also help to reduce the greasiness of the skin lotions, toners and masks. Hold the face over the pot with boiled potatoes for about 10 minutes, so your pores widened, and then apply a cleansing mask. Thus you will achieve greater effect of this cosmetic product.

To narrow pores and reduce the generation of fat, you can use a decoction of horsetail. Take one tablespoon of dried and ground horsetail, pour a glass of water and simmer for 20 minutes. The resulting broth cool and strain. Dipped in broth horsetail cotton pads and apply to the extended pores for 15-20 minutes twice a day. After washing is recommended to rinse the face infusion of calendula, which is prepared at the rate of one teaspoon of dried plant per cup of boiling water. Marigold has antiseptic properties and prevents the formation of inflammatory processes.

To normalize the metabolism and reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands are advised to take vitamin brewer's yeast, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. You can also use this as a folk remedy decoction of burdock root. Two tablespoons minced root pour two cups of boiling water and boil on low heat for 20 minutes. Insist broth overnight and in the morning, strain it and divide the four parts that need to drink during the day in between meals.

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