Firstly, it is worth noting that if you immediately start actively sunbathing, forgetting about precautions and protective measures, about chocolate have a nice tan immediately forget for a long time, as you will certainly earn burn, peeling and redness of the skin, as well as possible and rash. Moreover, the recovery period may last for quite a long time, until dvuz months. So instead of going out in the sun in the most dangerous and active time (this period usually comes at a time from 12 to 16 pm) and abandon means reliable and suitable for you UV filter (lighter than your skin tone and hair - the higher should be sun protection factor), which takes care of your skin to acquire a quick tan. Let's see how best to do it.
Sunburn is a natural protective reaction of human skin to the sun, and it manifests itself through a special hormone - melanin. Sometimes it happens that the skin is at its darkest shade, and never tans. What is the reason? With that kind of developed a maximum level of melanin, and without additional stimulation of this hormone is not enough. Can stimulate the production of melanin and adjust thanks to nutrition. Very good for the active tanning vitamins A and E, so drink a course of vitamins shortly before the planned vacation or sunbathing. Carrot is well proven as an assistant wishing to sunbathe, because in addition to vitamins A and E and it contains beta-carotene, which makes the tan more intense and bright. Carrot salad or a glass of carrot juice throughout the holiday - and you will notice how your skin becomes darker! The main thing - to eat carrots with a small amount of fat (olive oil or sour cream, for example), or beta-carotene is simply not learned.
Caffeine and chocolate have similar properties, and that is, increase the tan. In addition, these products stimulate the defense system of the skin and help it to resist the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, collagen breaks down much slower and much less likely to burn. A cup of freshly brewed (not instant!) Coffee or cocoa to natural sunbathing - a great way to help your skin.
If you are going to tropical countries with the scorching sun, it makes sense to visit a few times a solarium. Thus far less likelihood shlopotat will burn, as the skin already starts slowly to produce protective substances, and subsequent shade Sun is very uniform and intense.