It is believed that the long neck - a sign of aristocracy, ie, heredity, and no matter how people try to make it short neck swan, it will not work. However, there are well-known example, when children from Burma (Southeast Asia) at an early age to wear neck rings, thereby extending it to a certain size.
But for those who do not want to put up with a short neck, inherited inherited, need to adhere to certain rules and follow some methods. To start each time wash your neck, and then lubricate the soft means, nourish it with masks and creams.
Choosing a mask, pay attention to the more moist and nutritious one. And improve the skin of the neck will help compresses decoction, healthy ice (also from the decoction). When ready to sleep, try to sleep in a comfortable and at the same time the correct position for the neck. To do this, you need to have a high pillow, which placed under the neck, thereby deforming it.
One effective way to lengthen the neck are special exercises that need to be properly done previously learned about the state of the cervical vertebrae at the doctor. Naturally, these exercises have to do every day and several times.
To visually lengthen the neck, you can resort to the help of clothes, makeup, hairstyles and jewelry. It is better to use them in conjunction and not individually. Clothing is best to wear a low-cut mysoobraznym that emphasize long necklace (short shortens and thickens the neck).
Cosmetics carefully blend, so it looks natural. The trick is to create the illusion of a long neck: a bright tonal basis is applied to the middle of the neck, and dark shades on its sides. Make a haircut, the hair two to three centimeters did not reach the shoulders.