Flaxseed oil can get rid of many problems and heal the body. This product cleans the liver and intestines, strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism, reduces wrinkles - and this is not a complete list of its beneficial properties. But the pledge effectiveness of flax seed oil - its correct application.
The choice of oil is necessary, primarily, to pay attention to a method of manufacturing the same. Proper linseed oil should be made solely by cold pressing. Only in this case it is useful.
Consume flaxseed oil can in cooking. The main rule - only cold. When frying the product loses all useful properties and gets an unpleasant taste shade. Add it to salads or a little porridge: Mix a tablespoon of flaxseed oil with Dijon mustard or lemon juice, and add a handful of sesame seeds, you get useful refueling. Baking with the addition of linseed oil will be especially fragrant and will get a golden color. If you will mix a few tablespoons of flaxseed oil with a spoonful of honey and a cup of yogurt or kefir, a similar cocktail may well replace dinner.
For therapeutic purposes, flaxseed oil should be consumed on a teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. In this case it will have a cleansing effect on the liver. However, before such a home therapy should always consult with a physician as self-cleansing the liver is unsafe.
Flax seed oil has wound-healing properties. Therefore, it can be applied to the affected skin with cracks, herpes, bruised. However, contrary to popular recommendation, linseed oil, like any other, should not be used for burns. It provides temporary relief but it also creates a film on the skin surface, which "enclosure" burn inwardly, and may cause inflammation.
Flaxseed oil is widely used for cosmetic purposes to remove wrinkles, smoothing the skin, giving the face an even tone, and hair - strength and healthy shine.
Apply oil from flax seeds with a thin layer on the face and neck and leave for an hour. Then pat the skin with a paper towel to remove unabsorbed oil and avoid clogging the pores. Hair mask can be made from linseed oil mixed with burdock and with essential: a few drops of oil of sweet orange, rosemary, cinnamon. This mixture is spread over the entire length of the hair, put on a plastic cap and a warm towel. An hour later wash your hair in the usual way. Pure linseed oil helps with split ends: rub the palms of his few drops and gently lubricate them ends. After a few minutes the oil is absorbed instantly and hair become more healthy.