Remove cerumen: domestic methods
Sulfur - yellowish substance produced by glands located at the end of the ear canal. In small quantities, it is necessary to protect against penetration of dust and foreign bodies. However, an excess of sulfur accumulated inside the ear, can form a plug, complicating hearing. Do not try to get rid of sulfur flakes using pins, studs or cotton swabs - you just make the problem worse, propihnuv plug deeper. Solid objects can scratch the inside of the ear and even damage the eardrum.
For proper cleaning of the ear passage, you will need:
- A small syringe;
- Vegetable oil;
- Pipette;
- Drops for ear cleaning;
- A cotton pad.
In pure pear-type syringe warm boiled water. Tilt your head over a sink or basin so that the ear that you will handle, turned out at the bottom. Hand gently pull the earlobe, insert the tip of the syringe into the ear and pour water first slightly, and then all the more intense jet. Make sure that the water can flow freely from the ear: it is an important condition. If the plug is soft, it soon emerges. For the final disposal procedure can be repeated. When finished, wipe the outer part of the ear with a cotton pad.
To wash the ears can be used and a large syringe without a needle.
Hardened plug before removing the need to soften. Drip into the ear slightly warmed vegetable or mineral oil - enough for one procedure 3-5 drops. Wait for 7-10 minutes, and then start to clean the ear canal as described above. Instead of oil, you can use special drops purchased at the pharmacy.
Does not drip into the ear of hydrogen peroxide - it softens the plug, but can cause severe burns inside surface of the ear.
After the procedure, give ear to dry. Do not go out on the street, so as not to catch a cold. If your ears are particularly sensitive, tie head cotton cloth for a couple of hours.
Prophylactic cleaning
Maintain a clean ears is very simple. Every day, gently rub the outer part of the ear with a cotton swab dipped in warm water and wrung well. Help and lung lavage ear passage cool water. Dip the little finger in the water and easy to enter it in the ear. Rotate your finger inside, then massage the outer part of the ear. This procedure invigorates, improves mood and allows safe and painless to clean the ear canal, removing from it the excess fat and dust.