Useful properties
Soda is considered useful product for the organism, because it is non-toxic. It is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make this product very popular and in terms of medicine and cosmetology. For example, soda is a great way to relieve inflammation of the gums. In addition, it greatly helps to get rid of the smell of sweat. And the prescription treatment of cough with soda know almost everything grandmother, originally from the Soviet Union.
However, in the chorus of praise worth hearing and voice doctors who claim that overreliance soda leads to problems with the mucous membrane of the stomach.
The use of inside
Soda is often used as an expectorant for coughs. To do this, it is added to the hot milk (heated up to a temperature of 40 degrees). In a glass of milk is added 0, 5 tsp soda. You can even add on here is 0, 5 tsp honey and a little butter.
Also take a soda for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular problems, deposits in the joints, osteoarthritis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, arrhythmias, kidney stones, etc. The list is endless.
By drinking soda inside keep in mind that the temperature of the solutions should be a little hot. The best option is considered to be the use of a solution of soda in the milk. It is thought that it is better absorbed into the body.
Be careful not to overheat the milk. After all, too hot, close to boiling water milk can lead to swelling of the throat.
Also, do not get carried away with the dosage. Each organism has its own rate. It is best to start drinking soda with 1/5 teaspoon, washed down with liquid and gradually bringing the dose to 1 tsp Remember that in cold water soda is practically insoluble. And the use of such dubious drink is one of the types of indigestion - diarrhea.
External application of soda
Soda is also successfully used in cosmetic purposes. It makes your teeth white, if rinse your mouth with a solution of soda daily / effect is enhanced by adding a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Sometimes this mixture is put salt, but according to reviews from the medical forums, this method is quite controversial. This is due to the fact that salt is scratching the enamel, which is why dental health begins to deteriorate, so you need to whiten your teeth gently.
With the help of a soda can cure the fungus, such as a foot or a foot. To prepare a suitable mixture, take the following ingredients:
- 0, 5 tsp soda;
- 1 drop of vinegar;
- 1 drop of iodine.
All components must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the damaged surface of the skin or the ulcer. Repeat procedure should be 2 times a day.
Soda is used as a facial scrub. For example, it is sufficient to mix baking soda and salt spoon. Then lather face soap without additives and fragrances and put on it the resulting mixture. If the goal - to make the face cleaner and get rid of red spots, should be left to scrub 7 minutes on the skin, then rinse with warm water massage movements. You can pre-lightly exfoliate it to dead skin cells better shot.
Alternatively, the same can be applied and scrub the entire body. The result is simply stunning. And this is the most gentle way how you can clear skin.
Skin cleansing and care with the help of soda are just a few minutes, and the result is a delight even skeptical ladies.
Soda helps to lose weight. Taking regular soda bath (1 pack of soda on a full bath of water) for 20 minutes, you can easily and should get rid of extra pounds. Alternatively, for enhancing the effect can be added to bath oils and sea salt.
Contraindications to the use of soda
There are contraindications to receive soda. Thus, for example, can become deadly reception soda baths for people suffering from hypertension and diabetes. This occurs because the blood vessels expand when heated and accelerated heartbeat, which in turn leads to a hypertensive crisis.
You can not experiment with soda pregnant women. Indeed, the uncontrolled use of the drug can lead to miscarriage or early delivery. In the period of lactation is not recommended treatment soda.
Among contraindications include cancer, and various other chronic diseases.