To be beautiful ... do not do it!

To be beautiful ... do not do it!
 Every woman wants to preserve youth and beauty for years to come. However, some bad habits that are common to many the fair sex can lead to the opposite result. Of course, the dangers of smoking and long exposure to the sun is known to all. However, this list is not limited. There are many activities that are considered to be harmless, but in fact they are not. So what actions can harm the beauty?

1. Squeezing pimples

Self-cleaning of the face often leads to deterioration of the skin: it is injured, new inflammation. The worst way to clean the face, which caused the makeup and squeeze pimples with dirty hands. But even the observance of all rules: steaming skin, use napkins - does not guarantee that the skin condition improves. This procedure should be carried in the cabin, where, in addition, will help you choose a special skin care products that will help to cope with the rash.

2. Touching the face and the eyes

Many of us like to prop up the cheek with his hand, rub your eyes, nose or scratching his forehead. However, few people know that all these actions stretch the skin and lead to early wrinkles. In addition, the touch of dirty hands is fraught with the entry of germs that spread rapidly on the skin, giving rise to inflammation and irritation. To get rid of this habit, try to do something hands when the next time they will be pulled to the face. You can, for example, just to be able to twist his pencil.

3. Biting lips

Someone bites his lips in anger, someone - with impatience, while others - from the dedication some business. In any case, the consequences of this habit are peeling and microtrauma lips. In small wounds can easily become infected and cause inflammation. If your lips cracks appeared, be sure to heal them. Then do not forget to use daily hygienic lipstick.

4. Sitting cross-legged

This habit is the most common. She especially vulnerable to people who do sedentary work. By itself, the lack of movement adversely affects the blood circulation, and because of the constant squeezing legs situation is further deteriorating. Therefore, the habit must be disposed of. But with a lack of physical activity, it is not enough. In general, if you really expensive your health, be sure to enjoy a workout. This is especially necessary if the skin of legs began to appear small vials and veins.

5. Neglect sunglasses

Summer sunglasses are essential, even if you just went out for 10-15 minutes. Glasses are needed to protect the thin and vulnerable skin around the eyes from premature aging caused by UV exposure. In addition, a full-care is unthinkable without the use of face cream containing UV filters.

Tags: face sitting, foot wear, beauty, care, habit, youth, cleaning