Sugar hair removal procedure is so simple that it can be easily done at home. To do this, you must make sugar paste. Mix 10 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon of pure water and juice of ½ lemon. Put on low heat and heat, stirring constantly, until until the sugar is completely dissolved. Weight should buy brown. Cool and gently touch your fingers. Shugaring cooked properly if it does not stick.
After the sugar hair removal hair removed from the root, and then if and grow, it is very slow. Note the length of the hair removed, they must be less than 6 millimeters.
Before applying shugaring skin is completely clean and dry.
Paste is applied in the direction of hair growth with a thin layer using a flat spatula or other similar object. Then, on top of the applied weight necessary to impose a strip of cotton cloth and pressed, leaving one end free. When the bar is completely stick, you need to pull it sharply against the direction of hair growth. After the procedure, should be thoroughly rinsed from the skin residue with warm water.
With the help of sugar hair removal can remove hair completely in all areas of the body: the legs and arms, on her stomach, armpits, on the upper lip, and others. Most of the women even learned this method to get rid of hair in the labia majora.
Hair may begin to grow again in a 1-1, 5 months, depending on the individual. After several such procedures will weaken the hair and remove them will be much easier and less painful.
And we must remember that for sugar paste hair removal should be cooked properly, with all the necessary proportions.
Just paste the desired consistency and temperature can make the skin smooth and beautiful without any problems.