These methods constitute a coherent system that allows you to get rid of slagging various internal organs. This comprehensive approach to cleansing the body can not only rejuvenate it, but also effectively treat many diseases. This system has been repeatedly tested and shown to be effective in practice. Purification and rejuvenation program progressively works with all systems that provide vital functions of the body.
The basis of this program is the purification of the body of the intestine. With the help of it removed not digest food debris settled in its folds. Over time, they are transformed into fecal stones, total weight of which can reach several kilograms. People who died of cancer, such extra weight could reach 30 kg at almost "healthy" men of his weight can range 8-10 kg. The procedure consists of cleansing enemas rate that should be doing at the same time of day every day.
Cleansing the liver is based on a special diet and klizmennyh procedures. Special meals and tyubazh liver, which is accompanied by a separate administration of lemon juice and olive oil, allows us to derive from the liver cholesterol clots and reduce the volume of the stomach to several centimeters. For the prevention of such a procedure is conducted annually.
Kidney cleansing is recommended in the autumn, the season of ripening melons. The diet of watermelons and black bread, which follow within a week, allows us to derive from kidney stones, helping the process by taking a hot bath in the biological clock of the kidneys - 2-3 hours of the night. Special diet based on pine oil and herbal teas will spend kidney cleansing at any other time of the year.
Following the procedure Semenova can also clear the lymph and blood vessels, joints, and genitourinary tract, excrete mucus and get rid of dysbiosis. However, before using this cleaning system you should always consult with a doctor and get acquainted with the details of this procedure, read the book Hope Semenova.