Treatment of leg edema folk remedies

Treatment of leg edema folk remedies
 Swelling of the legs - a common problem. Sometimes it is due to the malfunction of the kidneys, liver, heart, and may be the result of heredity. Although there are many effective methods of getting rid of edema, including folk, but still, be sure to consult your doctor to find the exact cause.
 Include in your diet foods that are diuretics. For example, parsley (or celery), asparagus, pumpkin, grapes, dairy products (yogurt, cheese). Summer must arrange a fasting days, eating watermelon. This is an excellent diuretic. You can prepare the infusion of the roots or seeds of parsley, which should take 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before eating.

A great way to deal with swelling are compresses and lotions. For example, prepare a decoction of parsley, fennel and chamomile (1: 1: 1). Let it infuse for 15 minutes. And do lotions on swollen legs.

Crushed roots of nettle boil in sunflower oil. After cooling, strain and rub the night in swollen feet, until completely absorbed into the skin.

Grandma's recipe so interesting. Sew a bag of coarse cloth, so he reached to his knees. Pour into a fresh birch leaves and put the feet. Leaves should be surrounded on all sides by the legs. After the start sweating, change of sheets on fresh. And so repeat about 3-5 hours depending on the strength of edema.

Saves from swelling of the legs and such a method. Dissolve kilogram rock salt in 10 liters of cold water. Dampen a towel to give a solution, just press it and attach to the back. So, do 10 times. Soon, the patient begins to urination, leading to edema law decay.

Cabbage - an indispensable tool for controlling edema. You need to cut thick core in leaves to repel them with a rolling pin, then attach a patch or bandage to the swollen part of the body. Is replaced from time to time them fresh.

Flaxseed - another leader in the fight against swollen feet. Prepare a decoction of the 4 tablespoons of seeds and 1 liter of water. Boil for about 15 minutes, then leave the pot in a warm place. Let infused about an hour. Strain is not necessary. This broth is useful for the whole body, including it, and outputs the excess liquid. On request, add the lemon juice. Drink several times a day (6-8) in 100 ml. The result will be evident after 15-20 days.

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