Compared with vertical solarium, horizontal cabins have an advantage in terms of soft radiation - the impact of the gradual and less risk of getting burned if the skin is sensitive. Lamps in tanning beds have less power than in the vertical tanning facilities. And one session is increased to 15-20 minutes (vs. 7-minute visits to the vertical solarium).
Before visiting the solarium, you should be examined by a doctor in order to detect the presence of chronic diseases, examination of the skin, etc. If you have any problems with the heart and blood vessels, respiratory disease, you are taking any medications, it is best to consult with your doctor to get permission to visit the solarium.
In the tanning bed is necessary to protect delicate skin special straps - you don wide sunglasses commit Stikine nipples, lubricating lip balm nourishing hair and cover a special cap. Available on the body tattoos better cover. If you wear contact lenses, then it is better to remove too. Your skin should be clean - no makeup, traces of spirits, lotions and deodorants. It is not recommended to go to a tanning salon right after visiting the soul - the skin has not yet appeared protective film, without which the sun is dangerous.
Additional protection in the form of special sprays, emulsions and oils designed specifically for sunbeds, is necessary in order that the skin is not affected by UV exposure. Conventional means with sunscreen to help protect skin from the sun, do not fit, so buy the drug from a special line.
Mode and duration of sessions you can specify with the instructor - depending on the natural color of your skin, tanning facilities, etc.