Healing rate depends on the age of the hole puncture. The fresher the piercing, the faster the process of tightening the walls of the wound. On average, it takes 2-3 months. Accelerate epithelialization can "refresh" the edge of the hole. To do this, you must remove the superficial skin cells to the so-called growth layer, ie,.to. its cells are able to proliferate rapidly, filling the skin defect. This procedure is called laser resurfacing, it is performed in many beauty salons. Some owners of piercing, wanting to save on visiting beautician, conduct similar manipulations in the home with the help of sterile needles. They cut away the puncture site until drops of blood, and then treat it with antiseptic solutions. This procedure may be effective, but non-compliance with the rules of aseptic and antiseptic, it can lead to the development of purulent process and significantly delay the process of wound healing.
Piercing can slowly overgrown with proliferation at the puncture scar tissue. As a rule, it is formed by a wound infection in the first days after the procedure, as well as in the development of allergies to the alloy of the manufactured jewelery (earrings, "Rod" Labret etc.). Resorption scars exist gels "Kontraktubeks" and "Mederma" 1% hydrocortisone ointment and other fibrinolytic agent.
Stimulate the healing process can be piercing multivitamins and bio-stimulants (eg, aloe). Furthermore, there are topical agents that stimulate tissue regeneration, "Aktovegin" "Bepanten" "Panthenol" "Eplan" etc.
From nonhealing punctures after piercing can be removed surgically. During surgery, the doctor excised scar tissue that prevents epithelialization, and then imposes on the edges of the wound sutures, promote faster healing. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes about 15-20 minutes.