If you are already a mom, complete happiness which darkens only oplyvshaya figure, do not despair: after some time you will be as beautiful as before delivery, and even better. However, you will have to make some effort for this, but the result is worth it after all, is not it?
By the way, if you will say that there are some methods express or miraculous means to quickly lose weight, do not believe. To lose weight after giving birth is only one safe for your child with a healthy way: a combination of proper diet with reasonable exercise. In addition, breastfeeding baby will let you spend 500 calories on a daily basis without any diets.
Eliminate from your diet very high in calories and fatty foods, sweets, and vice versa, add more fruits and vegetables, eat bran cereal, lean meat and fish, porridge from cereals, low-fat dairy products are high in calcium. Scientists claim that between calcium intake and weight loss process, there is a direct link. If you refuse sweets - beyond your strength, or choose marmalade marshmallow, they do not contain as many calories.
Food intake should be divided into 5-6 times, because if you are going to do all day with various activities, forgetting in time for lunch, and then devour food, the extra pounds you provided.
Furthermore, it should drink plenty of fluids. Even if you have some problems with the kidneys, cook diuretic teas and herbal brew, but water exchange should be intense.
Exercise for weight reduction in the rate is also very simple. Because once zhirok deposited in the abdominal area, thighs and sides, then consideration should be given first of all these parts of the body. To the abdominal muscles come in tone, press and use the swing hoop. Exercises with hoop or even imitation movements warm up the muscles, will increase the rate of metabolism and blood circulation. Exercise with a hoop, pump up the press (in the prone position rises to 45 degrees legs and then the trunk).
If you do these exercises regularly, soon will be able to not only remove unwanted fat, but also ugly stretch marks. But of course, we should remember that physical activity should be reasonable.
By the way, your daily walks with the stroller can also be a good exercise for weight loss: change of pace, choose a route where you can climb up the hill.
A couple of months after delivery, if you did not have any complications, you can try to swim. Swimming pool - a very good way for the correction.