First of all, it is necessary to determine the exact cause of varicose veins. For example, treatment of varicose veins on the background of the extra pounds should start with a weight loss to normal. Varices while taking hormonal drugs - an indication to the fact that the hormone treatment to correct or replace the drug.
Modern and quite effective method can be considered as sclerotherapy, which is not related to the operational method, but it effectively treats varicose. The method consists in removing the affected veins, or the whole site from the general circulatory system. The procedure is quite simple and safe, and takes only 30 minutes, after which the patient can go home. When the affected vein sclerotherapy filled with a special drug that blocks it. Sclerosing solution was injected using a syringe into various areas where there veins. After injection leg bandage bandage bandage and put a squeeze. A few days after sclerotherapy patient should wear tights or Waist bandage. Thanks to this technique, even defeat the large veins can be treated.
To surgical methods to get rid of varicose veins is laser surgery. The method is considered to be highly effective in 98% to get rid of varicose veins lesions in one session. Kogaulyatsiya patients veins laser requires no deep invasion. After the procedure, some time may be small bruises, fully absorbable in a couple of weeks. However, laser surgery is only effective at the initial stage of varicose manifestations. At a deeper lesions veins laser will be ineffective.
Before the treatment of varicose veins is recommended to conduct a four-day or seven-day juice fruit diet. And then stick to a balanced diet with regular consumption of nuts, grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not eat white flour, coffee, spices, alcohol, confectionery, sugar.