Judging by the numerous surveys, the main factor in determining a good figure is slender waist. Most proportionally looking women, a waist size of which is not more than 0.7 times the size of the thighs. This is only important when the overall figure of proportionality, i.e. your volumes may be 60 to 86 and 80 to 114.
To measure fairly simple. You need to use a measuring tape to find out the waist at the narrowest point, and then the hips - in the broadest. Now divide the waist to hips. If it is in the range from 0.6 to 0.72, then you definitely lucky. Your figure can be considered almost perfect.
So much attention that is paid to the men waist can be explained by natural instinct. Curvy hips and a small waist says that a woman's body a lot of female sex hormones. In this case, it will be able to get pregnant quickly and easily makes the offspring.
In addition, among the signs of the ideal figure often called long legs, high breasts of medium size. And, oddly enough, many of the stronger sex was named the most beautiful is the chest size 2-3.
Ideal weight has also undergone some changes. Painful thinness replaced by the desire of women to be fit and athletic. Frequently, the ideal weight calculated by the formula nutritionists in which the weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. Depending on the amount of muscle mass and body composition will be considered perfect performance from 19 to 25.
Another integral feature of the ideal figure is its smartness. Often, women who are on a diet, say the loss of pounds, but not decrease in the body. This is because many women neglect sports, oblivious to the fact that it is the muscles - the main enemies of fat.