When Brazilian hair removal hair in the bikini area can be removed with a tissue strips and melted wax. Removed almost all the hair in the groin area except for a thin stripes in the labia majora. Poses that takes the client at the time of completing the procedure will pozateylivey any Kama Sutra - the legs have to turn up to the head and throw all the shame to the master. Of course, it is not necessary to recall that this procedure is not the most pleasant. A degree of trouble depends on the individual ability to tolerate pain.
It all depends on personal preference and willingness to suffer for the beauty of his body. But in fact such depilation extremely practical: there is no need to think about the problem for quite a long time (up to a month), and you can forget about using different razors, shaving gels and creams, depilatories, you just need to make sure that every day, not whether to remove superfluous.
With regard to hygiene during and after the procedure, Brazilian waxing, you must strictly comply with certain rules. It is strictly forbidden to carry out this procedure at home and on your own - depilation must take place only at the expert-cosmetologist. Be sure to vote at least "by eye" hygienic conditions of the procedure, and if something is not pleasant, it is better to select another beauty salon.
Immediately prior to the procedure, carry out a thorough hygiene intimate area. This will avoid the risk of infections or folliculitis. Also recommended to gentle exfoliation in the shower to prepare and soften the skin bikini for depilation, and exfoliate dead skin cells to avoid the problem of ingrown hairs.
During the procedure, you must strongly pull the treated area of the skin - it will at least ease the pain a bit. In the first procedure, of course, very painful. But the girls who constantly practice this method of hair removal, argue that after several painful significantly reduced - there is some getting used to.