Model "donuts": a new fashion or demand of society

Model "donuts": a new fashion or demand of society
 Model "donuts" more confident jostle slender girls in the world podium. Designers sew them special collections. Even the new face of the collection of swimwear and lingerie famous brand H & M became Tara Lynn, the owner of the 52-th size clothing.
 Such "oscillations", from the natural to the artificial completeness of thinness in fashion - a phenomenon familiar. About the middle of the twentieth century, women showing the clothes were a natural body, and not subjected to torture myself hungry. But the appearance of the famous Twiggy, who looked like a teenager, has reinvented the fashion proportions. Against the background of today's heroines podium even Cindy Crawford and Claudia Schiffer, top model of the last century, looks full.

Once in 2006-2007, several Brazilian fashion models almost one after the other died from anorexia, the world community has accused the fashion industry in the creation and maintenance of an artificial image of "thin beauty." One of the dead girls weighed 44 kilograms during the growth of 1 m 78 cm. Gradually, many of the world's fashion houses, as in the New World and the Old, signed the original agreement, which promised not to promote such an image of beauty.

Scandal in the fashion world has gone beyond the catwalk and opened the way to the top of the modeling business girls are not the most fragile and delicate. Today there are already full of mannequins dozens. Without them, can not do, not only shows couturier, but the cover of glossy magazines.

The reason for such unanimous condemnation image skinny beauties became a craze diets adolescent girls. At a time when there is a formation and maturation of the body, regular and balanced diet. And looking at the thin models and imitating them around, the girls sit on the toughest diet or begin to starve. This in turn leads to the development of chronic diseases, infertility, hormonal nature. Anorexia and bulimia are also more frequent among adolescent girls, as a consequence of the desire to lose weight at any cost.

Therefore, the appeal fashion industry face to complete the female is not just fashion, but necessary measure of improvement of mankind as a whole, taking care of the younger generation, the abandonment of unhealthy trends in society. Of course, in the promotion of completeness also need to comply with the measure. But of course remain "round" is much easier and healthier than artificial support "skeletobraznost."

Tags: model, demand, fashion, society, trend, fashion model