How to sleep on an empty stomach

How to sleep on an empty stomach
 One of the main conditions for the majority of dieters who are interested in those who want to lose weight or maintain your figure to pull up a state and does not want to gain weight, is the refusal to take food at night. Due to this condition, many are faced with the problem of sleep the feeling of emptiness in the stomach.

In a situation where hunger prevents sleep, the only obvious solution is to eat your fill and wake up in the morning for a number of grams heavier. Can a little patience and overcome the urge to eat, to sleep on an empty stomach. It is recommended to refrain from intercepting anything in haste in the first fifteen minutes after coming home, otherwise appetite quickly deteriorate, and then come back at a time when it will be necessary to go to bed. Therefore, after coming home, do not just run into the kitchen, and it is better to take a refreshing shower and some rest, for example, lie down on the couch. Only then should go to the kitchen.

Dining need for three to four hours before bedtime. Before going to bed, you can eat some fruit or yogurt, because no food in the body is an unpleasant sensation that prevents and sleep on an empty stomach. You should not drink at night tea and coffee, they evoke a sense of vitality and prevent the onset of sleep.

When hunger prevents sleep, you can drink tea with mint or lemon balm can be added to tea or chamomile St. John's wort to calm down and relax. Instead of sugar is better to add a tea honey. You can cook a sleepy drink by mixing two tablespoons of honey with a glass of milk and add two tablespoons of rum. Then, the mixture must be heated well and beat with a mixer. Drink this drink should be small sips. You can mix the boiled water with honey, instead of milk and rum. This drink will provide a good night's sleep.

Sedatives should be used only if sleep does not work. Medications should only be on a natural basis. Best suited valerian extract, hawthorn or motherwort.

Good sleep helps a walk before going to bed outdoors in the park area. Before the night's sleep is necessary to put in order thoughts and weed out anything that might hinder relax. You can listen to relaxing music or light a little book.

The most important thing in the process of falling asleep - tune in to a good rest and not be distracted by extraneous thoughts.

Tags: stomach, sleep, hungry