How to make big breasts

How to make big breasts
 Scientific studies show that one in five women in the world wants to have breasts bigger. And we wonder whether it is possible to get larger breasts without resorting to costly and dangerous breast augmentation using implants?

Pharmacies now sold a lot of money for breast augmentation. It sorts the tablets, pills, gels, creams that contain phytoestrogens.

The operating principle of the following gels and creams. Firstly, accelerate the metabolism of phytoestrogens, and, secondly, there is a chest congestion, which causes some of them to swell. But in order to keep the effect of breast augmentation, it is necessary to use such gels constantly.


Traditional methods of breast augmentation is also directed to a rush of blood. But grandmother's advice should be treated with extreme caution. For example, in any case, do not use mustard for a rush of blood to the chest. So you get a burn on the delicate skin in this area.


The following non-surgical method of breast enlargement - is a hardware method. The essence of the method in a vacuum massage. The device consists of a special cups, which is applied to the chest and at the expense of the vacuum creates pressure that causes all the same rush of blood to the mammary gland. But do not do it at home. Still, more reliable and safer to do it in beauty salons to the chest does not limp. After a hard impact breast really increases in size, the effect can last up to a month. True, it becomes very sensitive.


Is it possible to increase the breast using a special diet? Debatable, but in any case estrogen rich natural foods your body will only benefit. This is a different legumes, cereals. Just do not overdo cabbage, or yeast dough. After all, with breasts and all the rest of the body may increase in size.

The conclusion from the above is clear: to increase the breast need to combine the use of creams, hardware method, proper diet and simple exercises aimed at increasing its elasticity.


Pick up the correct underwear. A good bra will accentuate your shape and add volume.

Tags: breast