How to get rid of cellulite

How to get rid of cellulite
 The problem of cellulite is facing women of all ages have for a long time. Many of the fair sex cellulite brings a lot of inconvenience and poisons life, thus forcing hide his beautiful body under clothes and indulge in buying and choosing a beautiful outdoor leotard and erotic lingerie. Get rid of the annoying "orange peel" and cease to be ashamed of your body.

There are three types of cellulite:

- Adipose - in some parts of the body loose leather fabric, painless and thin. Especially when squeezing the skin with your fingers. Found mostly on the buttocks, thighs, abdomen, legs and arms. The reason is the excessive consumption of fatty foods and overweight;

- Fibrous cellulite - feel hard and painful skin parched and withered, has a purple hue. While squeezing your fingers can feel the pellet rolls. Can be found on the knees, buttocks and calves. Is characterized by the formation of the pinched nerve endings and bumps, it explains the pain on palpation;

- Swelling - palpation is soft to the touch, is more common in the lower part of the body. Often accompanied by fluid retention in the body and blood circulation.

This is a problem faced by women of different sizes and ages. Cellulite appears to increase the fat cells that are compressed in the spaces of connective tissue. Because of this, problems may occur with the withdrawal of toxins, blood circulation, resulting in the skin becomes rough and becomes more similar to orange peel.

To fight against cellulite should be approached holistically. This should be a proper diet, daily exercise, and massage with anti-cellulite cream. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, and you are guaranteed a great result.

There is no magic diet that fits all and give a perfect result. There are some recommendations for restructuring your diet. Meat is desirable to replace fish or lean poultry, less salt. Include in the diet of more fruits and vegetables, whole grain products. Eat food you need at least five times a day in small portions. Drink plenty of fluids, it will help flush toxins from the body. Diseased tissue will help to restore tomato salad, spinach and red pepper.

While taking a bath, add a few drops of orange and olive oil. While bathing, you can feel a slight tingling sensation.

Simple jumping will help in the fight against cellulite. To do this, relax the muscles in the legs and abdomen, and jump in place for at least a hundred times. Muscles must always be in good shape, but for this they need to be constantly loading. In this case, you will be fitness and belly dancing. Do not forget the anti-cellulite cream.

Daily, preferably several times a day, after a hot shower to massage. At the same time rubbing cellulite massage, knead with a force outside of the thighs. Do it as if you knead the dough. In order to improve circulation, use special massage gloves or brushes. If you do not have funds for a massage, to increase the flow of blood can be self-massage. Use the slap, tapping and cutting movements back of his hand.

Douches has a beneficial effect on the entire body. The alternation of hot and cold water will help restore blood flow to the body and strengthen the immune system, increase metabolic rate, increase efficiency, accelerate the production of collagen and free radicals. You should not expose yourself to extreme temperatures. Start with warm water, and then switch to the cool and massage the whole body with a strong jet of water for 10-15 seconds. Repeat this procedure three times and a good rub with a towel.

Control your emotions and stress - it is one of the factors of cellulite formation. More walk in the fresh air and seek to slim and beautiful figure, as the auto-suggestion plays an important role in the fight against cellulite.

Tags: forum, fight cellulite