How to get rid of cellulite for 5 days

How to get rid of cellulite for 5 days
 Sometimes there are unforeseen events, to which you are not prepared. Here is an offer from a nice young man to go after 5 days at sea. First panic starts, because there is a beautiful bathing suit, to get rid of extra pounds did not have time, and in the mirror eyesore came out of nowhere cellulite.

Get rid of cellulite can be only if we approach this issue comprehensively. Five days - quite a short period of time, but if you try to thoroughly, then leave cellulite and buttocks, and abdomen, and legs. Suffer from cellulite many ladies, but some just do not care about its presence.

Cellulite is formed due to stagnation. So, to get rid of it, you must make the normal operation of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

First, we should start taking a douche. Every morning and before going to sleep for 10 minutes is necessary to influence water jet on the problem areas of the body. The temperature difference needs to be changed, thus improving blood circulation and metabolism.

Better to start with warm water, then switch to the cool, at the same time should massage brush handle exciting parts of the body. Change the temperature of the water at one time need 3 times, but do not take a shower under the icy water, it is bad for the heart. After the procedure should rub the body with a towel.

Twice a day must be applied to the "orange peel" cellulite agents, it may be a gel or cream. Rub into the skin cosmetic preparation should be combined with massages, best done in half an hour before going to sleep at night and half an hour before going outside.

You also need to drink more fluids to the body of toxins. And it is time to start to follow the diet. Intake of carbohydrates and fats in the diet to reduce, eat more foods containing proteins. Will have to forget about sweets, cakes, fries and get used to the fresh fruit and vegetables.

Most importantly - an active lifestyle. In the evening, coming from work, you should take the time to jog in the district, or the same exercise at home. Learn how to do push-ups, rock press, jump rope. It is the most loyal assistant in the fight against cellulite.

Do not forget that all these measures are only in the complex, and if after 5 days throw a douche and exercise, the "orange peel" come back.

Tags: cellulite fight