Hops - for inner harmony and ample bosom

Hops - for inner harmony and ample bosom
 Hops is known mainly as "beer" plant. However, its scope is much broader. And for women, this plant - a real treasure. Not only does it give inner harmony and peaceful sleep, but will stay young and beautiful for a long time.
 There are two types of hops - Japanese and ordinary. The first is used purely for decorative purposes. Excellent curative properties has the second.

This was known in ancient times. In the IX century Arab physician Mesa applied syrup hop as cholagogue and blood purifier. Medieval doctors recommended to drink beer to reduce appetite, digestive disorders, gout, kidney and bladder. The importance of organic and mineral substances contained in beer, gave the German chemist Liebig. In the early nineteenth century, beer was allowed in hospitals of St. Petersburg as a tonic and tonic.

Since the end of the XIX century, in many countries of the hop cones in combination with other herbs, began to produce sedation industrial way. And nowadays used as sedative properties of the plant. Pharmacies can buy herbal consisting of hop cones, mint, valerian, licorice, motherwort. The plant is part of the famous drug "New Pass" and many others. "Valocordin" contains essential oil of hops.

Hops is an excellent mild sedative, in its activity is slightly inferior to valerian. It is used for nervous exhaustion, insomnia, hysteria, vegetative dystonia (particularly in hypertensive type), increased nervous excitability, seizures, stomach neurosis, menopausal disorders. As relief well help cushion with hops.

However, the plant is famous not only for its sedative properties. Infusions and extracts of its cones are widely used in cosmetics. They serve to strengthen the hair, dandruff prevention, elimination of cosmetic defects of the skin. Especially good cream with hops to care for aging skin. It becomes a fresh, improves its color, smooth fine wrinkles.

Hops are a part of some food additives. Some of them have a calming effect. Others - means to increase female bust. The size and tone of the breast affected by phytoestrogens, which contains plant. For example, the basic ingredients of biologically active food additives "Natural Push Up" is an extract of the three varieties of hops.

Use this wonderful plant in homeopathy, cooking, to decorate parks and pavilions. In England and America it is planted under the windows of the bedrooms.

Tags: chest, harmony, hops