A large bust, smooth line of the hips and sexy tummy sung for centuries by artists and poets as a symbol of refined femininity and unfathomable beauty. In India, still believed in that skinny women without full tummy and thighs little chance of finding a good husband. Look Bollywood films: as graceful movement actresses as their attractive shapes in bright saris. The people who invented the Kama Sutra, knows a lot about sexuality and beauty.
And in Europe, as well as in America a few decades ago the standard of female attractiveness were bright Sophia Loren and Marilyn Monroe attractive. They were jealous of the beauty of women, dreamed about them, millions of men. But Marilyn wore a dress no less than 48 modern size. Yes and Italian diva had such forms, which are not at all desire zapihnesh 42 size.
So is it time to send the balance to the very top shelf and forget calories table? Incidentally, psychologists say that overweight women often satisfied with their personal life and work than their slender rival. After donuts do not need to constantly count calories and pace yourself in the fitness clubs. They enjoy life and radiate happiness and self-confidence.
Who are the men in the eye can determine the weight and waist circumference passing by a woman? Is that professional designers clothing. The most important thing in women's appearance - it's not a bust, legs or hair. Dazzling smile, easy gait, grace of movement and intriguing look makes a woman irresistible. And is it important for what figures are insidious arrow on the scales? Let mannequin measure the circumference of your waist and give up dinner. Did you forget about diet and allow yourself the luxury of being yourself. After all, curvy shape - it's beautiful and sexy.