Care and exercises for the legs

Care and exercises for the legs
 Legs take on the bulk of the daily workload. They were not enough to simply washed after a hard day, they love care and attention. It is thanks to daily routines legs will look well groomed and will give you an easy gait.

Every night, clean legs, arrange them douches, moisturizes and nourishes the gels and creams. 1 - 2 times a week passes through the inner side of the foot with a pumice stone or a wire brush. Now cosmetic stores sell special baths and masks for the feet, they pamper your feet 2 - 3 times a week. Use aroma oils to relieve feet fatigue and heaviness. Add to your usual cream for feet 3 drops of oil and stir the mixture until smooth, using a wooden or glass rod. Apply the cream at night and wear cotton socks. For the legs can use the following essential oils: lemon, orange, neroli, patchouli, mint, cloves, etc.

Every evening, do foot massage. Of course, if you go to a specialist, the most you can massage your feet do not, but many of us can not afford the procedure. Sit on the floor, bend at the knee right leg and place the foot on the thigh of the left leg. Gmina Promna every toe on the right foot, walk across the foot inside. Put your right foot on the floor, the upper part of the foot massage, PROMIN her fingers. Then go up to the ankle, put pressure on him point movements. The left hand grasp the right calf muscle and pull from the bottom up, grabbing her one, then the other arm. Shake the shin, making vibrating motion to the right - left. Go to the knee joint, massage it, avoiding a hamstring located on the bend. Place the palm of your hand on your hip and swing it from right to left. This massage will help to get rid of swelling and heaviness in the legs.

Every morning, perform a small gym, it will help you to wake up and make your walk easier. Sit on a chair, pull socks over, then away. Make a circular motion feet to one side, then the other. Repeat circles in the knee and hip joints. Stand on your toes, walk on them for 1 minute. Next, stand on heels and walk on them the same amount of time. Take 1 minute sit-ups. Then sit on the floor with an exhalation, lower the body down without bending your knees feel like reaching the rear surface of the legs. After a morning workout you feel heaviness of the legs completely disappeared and you are ready for an active day activities.

Tags: foot care, gymnastics