Breast enlargement without surgery. Available funds at home

Breast enlargement without surgery. Available funds at home
 Breast enlargement without surgery is possible. Women have learned to do this by using the tools available in the home. But there are conditions under which the effort is guaranteed to succeed. It is about the regularity of procedures and a large supply of patience. The fact that the measures to increase breast conducted at home, in need of repeated many times and do not give quick results. But with the continued support reached persists for a long time.

Simple massage

Before a home massage is useful to make a douche for the chest, ie alternating warm and cool jet. Then rub the breasts with a dry towel, relax as much as possible, and adjust the breath, it should be smooth. Massage can perform while sitting or standing in front of a mirror. Use the following motion:
- Strokes;
- Grinding;
- Tingling;
- Pat.

Apply to palm massage cream or vegetable oil, rub, feel the heat in the palms. Start massage with stroking movements, the left hand massage right breast, right - left. From the center of the chest at the bottom of the right breast smooth, but fast enough movement palm of his left hand move towards the axilla. At this time, the free hand can lift and hold the breasts (this is especially true if the breast is not very small). Massage thus each breast 10-15 times.

Lifting alternately one or the other breast and rub the fingers muscles, which are located under the bust. Here, your efforts can be maximized, rub this site to redness. Repeat with each breast massage 10-15 times.

Go to the top of the chest and stroking, but strong enough in a circular motion massage alternately zone, located between the clavicle and the right breast. Can capture zone armpits. Massage for 30 seconds each portion, repeat 6-8 times. Permissible redness.

Walk pinch your fingers around each breast, then, a little loosening effect tweaks nurse on the breasts themselves, except nipples and ghosting. Then focus your attention on the muscles located around each breast, doubling the force tweaks. Massage for 1-2 minutes.

Finish the massage random pat palms across the breast area, weakening the power of cotton on his chest, and increasing in the transition to the areas around the breasts.

Immediately after the massage does not go out, better put on a warm dry underwear and lie down quietly for several minutes. The fact that the muscles warmed up, the pores disclosed in this moment easily chill mammary glands.

Shiatsu massage

For this type of massage for breast augmentation, you will need balls ki kong gymnastics hands. You can replace them with balls ping pong or table tennis.

Locate the point for massaging. You can define them as follows: 12-13 cm, measure up from the solar plexus, from this mark back down to 2 cm left and right - this will be the points that you have to massage.

Take the beads, attach them to this point and start to rotate, moving round the following scheme:
- 30 seconds with the push;
- 30 seconds without pressure;
- 60 seconds with the push;
- 30 seconds without pressure.
Thereafter, repeat from the beginning. The total time of this massage - 6-8 minutes.

Place the balls under the breasts and rolls them simultaneously from the center of the chest to the axilla and back to the previous scheme.

Clamp one ball underarm (just below the armpits themselves) and try to roll with the help of their hands pressed. At first it may turn out badly, then natreniruetes. Rolls for 2-3 minutes.

Simple massage or shiatsu massage (or both in combination) do every day. Thus, you will develop, strengthen and Defined pecs. After the massage, you can move on to the masks that can enlarge breasts.

Masks for breast augmentation

Herbal mask. You will need:
- A decoction of horsetail - 1 tbsp .;
- Aloe juice - 1 tbsp .;
- Hops tincture - 10 drops;
- Geranium essential oil - 4 drops;
- Lemon essential oil - 4 drops.

Prepare a decoction of horsetail. To do this, 1 tsp chopped herbs fill 0, 5 cups of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. For some aloe juice, cut the lower leaves and remove them for 7 days in the refrigerator. Then mince and squeeze through cheesecloth. How to get an infusion of hops: 10 hop cones pour 0, 5 cups of boiling water, wrapped in a woolen shawl, and allow to stand for 2 hours. Now take a number of ingredients specified in the recipe, add the essential oil and stir. Apply on the chest and rub vigorously twice a day. All components of the mask can be stored in the refrigerator.

Apple mask. Take an arbitrary proportion applesauce made from fresh apples, butter, white bread, milk and honey. Oil and honey pre-melt in a water bath, a crumb of white bread soak in warm milk. All mix thoroughly, apply on the chest and cover with plastic first, and then a warm scarf or a scarf. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water composition, brush with breast moisturizer and put on a dry, warm underwear.

Gymnastics for breast augmentation

Exercise with dumbbells. Starting position - lying. Dumbbells in the hands, arms out to the sides. Raise your hands for 3-5 seconds will lock the movement and return to starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.

Breast enlargement without surgery. Available funds at home

Exercise ball. Starting position - sitting. Grab the ball with his hands, stretch your arms forward at chest level and squeeze the palms the ball hard. Fix the position for 3-5 seconds, loosen the compression and squeeze again. Do the exercise for 1-2 minutes.

Exercise with the load. Starting position - sitting or standing. Pick up some cargo pouvesistee (dumbbell, a stack of books with a flower pot), stretch your arms forward in front of chest and hold the goods as long as possible. Dip your hands, relax and repeat several times.

Follow these simple exercises every day, giving them only a few minutes (you can do it while watching TV), and the result will not be slow to express themselves: the pectoral muscles will become stronger, she lifts up his chest, and in combination with massage and mask - will increase. Remember that when you stop training the muscles lost their usual load, fall off, sagging breasts, and all your efforts will be in vain. Only the regularity and patience will lead to positive and lasting results.

Tags: domestic, condition, means, breasts, massage, mask, exercise, increase operation