How to lose weight while breastfeeding

How to lose weight while breastfeeding
 The belief that pregnant and lactating women should eat for two, and even for three, fortunately, is hopelessly out of date. Lose weight while breastfeeding, without causing harm while their health and the health of the baby, maybe if properly fed.

Often women in the postpartum period likely to be depressed. This is due to many factors, ranging from huge hormonal changes to their own dissatisfaction with appearance and lack of sleep regularly. Many women seek to seize such stress flour and sweet products. But this is not the way out. Lose weight while breastfeeding possible. More healthy and proper diet will add you strength, improve lactation, will benefit your child, and you will leave with the hated centimeters.

Diet nursing mothers suggests exception of flour, sausage and smoked products, the use of which does not benefit you or your baby. Include in your diet raw vegetables and fruits. In the first months, when the baby is a risk of developing allergies and possible disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, stop your choice on a green apple, sweet green peppers, pears, peaches, tomatoes, lettuce, greens, boiled lean meat, dairy products.

After the first 3 months after childbirth consult with your doctor about the products that are part of your diet. Your doctor will add fresh cucumbers, cabbage, berries. Avoid products that contain preservatives, artificial flavors, stabilizers. None of this is the use of the child's health and slows down your metabolism.

To lose weight, try to eliminate the usual side dishes as boiled potatoes and pasta. The meat serve fresh salads, low-fat flavored yogurt, salt and herbs. After two or three weeks you will notice that not only normal weight, but also the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Be sure to include in your diet oily fish, try to use it at least 2 times a week.

Drink plenty of fluids, at least 2 liters of plain water a day. Eliminate once and for all any fizzy drinks. If it's hot summer, prepare a refreshing drink from the tarragon. To do this, take a sprig of tarragon, tear off the leaves, put them in a glass jar. Juice of half a lemon, mix with 2 tablespoons of sugar, add a few mint leaves, pour into a glass jar. Fill the jar with 1 liter of boiling water. Let sit for 2-3 hours. A refreshing drink that perfectly quench thirst and will not harm ready.

Physical activity is a young mother too will bear fruit. Try to move as much as possible. As soon as the doctors allowed to walk with the child in the street, proceed to intensive walks. Do not walk around slowly through the park, take the player, turn on your favorite music, keep pace. Gradually increase the time such intensive walks up to 1 hour. This will speed up a slow metabolism, give you a charge of vivacity and energy.

If you have been performed cesarean section, consult with your doctor about exercise. If the birth was natural, then begin gentle exercise can already after two weeks after the birth of the baby. Start with partial squats, bending, stretching. Gradually add abdominal exercises and buttocks. During the first year after birth occurs most intense shedding weight. During lactation 500-600 calories a day is spent on breast-feeding a baby, do not miss your chance to lose weight while breastfeeding.

Tags: time, baby, breast, breast